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5 ajustes de pantalla de inicio útiles. Todo propietario de iPhone puede probar

Apple's iOS software has a reputation for not being as customizable as Google's Android, and while it's true to a certain extent, there's still quite a lot you can do to make the Home screen more useful, less cluttered, and give it a style that's all tuya. I use iOS every day and these are the five things I’ve done to make my iPhone unique to me and at the same time gain more usability.


  • Use separate wallpapers
  • Make a lot of folders
  • Use App Library
  • Change the stock apps in the Dock
  • Add widgets, but not too many
  • Make sure to experiment Mostrar 1 elemento más

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Use separate wallpapers

You don’t have to use the same wallpaper for the lock screen as you do the Home screen, and vice versa. Although it may sound like a small thing, it makes a big difference to legibility. I like this because it allows me to highlight a picture on the lock screen, without it interfering visually with the many colorful app icons that appear on the Home screen.

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My recommendation is to use a black, or a close-to-black, background for the Home screen. Go to Settings, then Wallpaper, and select Choose a New Wallpaper. I like to use one of the Dynamic wallpapers, as it adds life to the Home screen but is never distracting. Select Dynamic then your image of choice. Select the Set button at the bottom of the screen and then Set Home Screen. Follow the same basic steps to set your lock screen wallpaper — just choose a different image and select Set Lock Screen instead.

If app icons have ever got lost due to blending in with the color of your wallpaper, this is an easy way to avoid it happening again. Plus, there’s something classic and appealingly minimalist about a basic background behind all your apps.

Make a lot of folders

Folders are a fantastic way to declutter your Home screen, and in conjunction with the next tip, make your iPhone feel less busy, due to iOS spreading app icons across multiple Home screens by default. If this is the first time you’re going to seriously use folders, be prepared for it to take a little while to get everything organized.

Creating a folder is simple: You select and drag an app icon over the top of another. When the folder automatically appears, select it and edit the name. Grouping apps together like this makes it easier to find what you want. I put folders of my most used apps on the main Home screen and lesser-used ones on a second Home screen.

It can be tempting to put all your apps in folders, but resist this and keep a small selection of your most used apps out and separate. I have five on the Home screen outside folders, as I use them multiple times a day, or in the case of Settings, because I want to find it quickly.

Use App Library

What if you have a lot of apps? This is where you need to be strict with yourself and make use of iOS’s App Library feature. I limit my Home screens to two and fill the second one with apps I don’t use all that often but would still like to have at hand. The remaining apps that I don’t want to delete find a home in the App Library.

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Minimizing the amount of Home screens makes iOS less cluttered and easier to manage, and using App Library makes finding the apps you don’t use often much faster. Plus, none of it needs effort to set up. Here’s an example of what to do: During the process of reorganizing your Home screens, find an app that you don’t want to delete but rarely use. Press and hold the icon until it wobbles, then select Remove App.

At this point, make sure you choose the Remove from Home Screen option. This deletes it from the Home screen and places it in the App Library. The App Library is found by swiping all the way to the right of your Home screens, and is an automatically generated list of all your apps that is easily searched using the bar at the top of the screen.

By making use of folders and the App Library, all your apps are still installed on your phone, but only the ones you use regularly are at hand and are catalogued and easy to find inside folders. All other apps are placed in the App Library, and finding them takes a moment using the search feature.

Change the stock apps in the Dock

The iOS Dock is the bar at the bottom of all your Home screens, and by default, it contains the Phone app, Messages, Safari, and Music. That’s fine if you regularly use these apps, but if not, you’re wasting valuable screen real estate, and you can make much better use of it.

Changing them is the same as moving apps around the Home screen: Just hold an app icon in the Dock until it jiggles and drag to a new location. Select your new preferred app in the same way and drag onto the Dock. Now, apps you use most often will always be available instantly, regardless of which Home screen you’re viewing.

Por ejemplo, uso Chrome en lugar de Safari y prefiero tener acceso siempre a la aplicación de la cámara a través de la aplicación de música. Quizás use WhatsApp o Messenger en lugar de la aplicación Mensajes de iOS, así que considere cambiarlos también.

Agregar widgets, pero no muchos

Los widgets pueden ser útiles, pero también ocupan mucho espacio en su pantalla de inicio, por lo que usarlos con moderación es clave. Agregar widgets se puede hacer una de dos maneras. Toque y mantenga presionada un espacio en blanco en la pantalla de inicio y luego seleccione el icono "+" que aparece en la parte superior izquierda de la pantalla cuando los íconos de la aplicación comienzan a sacudirse, o deslice a la izquierda para mostrar la vista de hoy, vaya a la parte inferior de la pantalla y seleccione Editar, luego seleccione el icono "+" como antes.

Solo elija widgets que agregan valor; No solo agregue al azar una pila de widgets que contenga múltiples widgets en la expectativa que los usará. He agregado un calendario y un widget de tiempo mundial a mi pantalla de inicio, ya que los uso a ambos diariamente, y es útil tener acceso instantáneo. También tengo un gran widget meteorológico en la segunda pantalla de inicio. Si encuentra que necesita más widgets pero no desea sacrificar espacio para aplicaciones, considere agregar una nueva pantalla de inicio dedicada a los widgets.

asegúrese de experimentar

Eso es todo para mis cinco consejos básicos sobre cómo personalizar la pantalla de inicio de iOS para que sea más útil y menos abarrotada. Todo esto se basa en cómo configuré mis pantallas de inicio de iOS, pero lo que funciona para mí puede no ser exactamente adecuado para usted, así que tome los consejos generales aquí y presente una versión que mejor le convenga. Lo que hay que recordar es divertirse y experimentar. Puedes encontrar más consejos y trucos para iOS 13 aquí, si estás ansioso por profundizar aún más. O, si tiene un problema con iOS 13, entonces tenemos soluciones para los problemas comunes de iOS 13 aquí.


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